Wednesday 28 August 2013

Italiani mammoni?

Vi ricordate questa pubblicita' in cui gli italiani venivano dipinti come mammoni?

Per carita', qualcuno cosi' l'ho conosciuto. Be', quasi cosi'. E mamme che vorrebbero i figli in questo modo ce ne sono a bizzeffe. Evidentemente i norvegesi della Obo (o chi per loro), pero', non hanno mai avuto a che fare con Indiani a Pakistani, che in eta' universitaria non sono ingrado di comprarsi le mutande da soli e che anche da adulti morirebbero di fame non avessero la mamma (o la moglie, quando la mamma si e' stufata di loro) a preparagli da mangiare e imboccarli.

Ma il massimo, a quanto pare, sono i Britons, questi sedicenti campioni di produttivita', che dicono che nel Sud Europa passiamo il tempo a fare la "Siesta", confondendosi pure sui continenti perche' di geografia non e' che ne sappiano un gran che. Secondo molti di loro la Gran Bretagna "went down" (andata giu?! ma quando?) per colpa degli stranieri, che vengono qui per avere i benefits (sussidio di disoccupazione e assistenza sociale) o vengono assunti solo perche' accettano paghe piu' basse. Chissa' perche', allora, io sono fra 85 giardinieri quello piu' pagato. Ma torniamo alle mamme. Quelle inglesi, pero'.

He said that he had mothers telephoning him to say that their sons were “too tired”.

Questa frase l'ha detta Jaime Oliver, lo chef di Food Revolution (vi consiglio di darci un'occhiata, smetterete di mangiare tante schifezze, dopo). Ma ecco l'articolo per intero:

Jamie Oliver Says British Workers


Jamie Oliver courts controversy by saying that European immigrants are "tougher" than British workers who whinge about long hours.

The television chef, Jamie Oliver, has said that if his restaurants had to rely on British staff rather than European immigrants they would close.

Oliver said that immigrants were "stronger" and "tougher" than their British counterparts who tended to "whinge" about too long hours.

He said that he had mothers telephoning him to say that their sons were “too tired”.

In his latest comments, the 38-year-old told Good Housekeeping magazine: "The average working hours in a week was 80 to 100. That was really normal in my 20s. But the EU regulation now is 48 hours, which is half a week's work for me. And they still whinge about it!"British kids particularly, I have never seen anything so wet behind the ears!

"I have mummies phoning up for 23-year-olds saying to me, 'My son is too tired'. On a 48-hour-week! Are you having a laugh?"

He told the magazine: "I think our European immigrant friends are much stronger, much tougher.

"If we didn't have any, all of my restaurants would close tomorrow. There wouldn't be any Brits to replace them."

Oliver, whose restaurants include Fifteen, which helps the young unemployed, and more than 30 UK branches of Jamie’s Italian, said: "It's all very well when people are slagging off immigration and I'm sure there are problems.

"Older people always complain about youth and I think it's a good thing because it is always changing. The young will be better at different things. But long hours in hot kitchens is not one of them!"

Con buon pace di tanti.

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