Wednesday 28 December 2011

Helleborus (English version)

Often people ask to me which my favourite flower is. It's not easy answer for a gardener.
Which one do I choose? 
Every flower, every plant has its particular beauty if it is put in the right context.
But Helleborus viridis, with his particular shape and colour,
is certainly my flower.
I met this flower first time when I was still child, in early Spring 
in the woods covering the hills which surrounded the town of Prato, in Tuscany.
Woods were very close to the town in that time.
I at once fascinated by its colour, green, such I've never seen.
In my opinion, at that age, leaves were green and flowers were red, white, yellow or purple.
A flower couldn't be green.
I tried to take the plant at home, with roots and all, managing just to cut myself with a glass. 
I believe that the Helleborus' poison is running in my veins from that time.

During my gardener career I often met Helleborus horticultural hybrids,
with never feeling great charm for them.
I found Helleborus again afterwards when I moved 
to Appennino tosco-emiliano mountains.
In mountain woods this Helleborus grows blooming, most in clusters.
It flowers twice during the year, on end of Autumn and on Winter end,
Herald of King in Winter arrival and of his forthcoming departure.
When, among beeches and chestnuts, Helleborus is in blossom 
it means that Autumn is close to finish.
After short time first frosts will arrive and mushrooms 
will not be found among the brown leaves which overlay the underwood.
Snow will arrive after, a cover for the tired ground.
Temperatures will come back to rise from half Winter, snow will thaw,
and Helleborus will come back to grow.
First only isolated plants in the naked ground patches surrounded of white.
After, with snow receding, in many and many numerous clusters.
Winter is close to finish, it seems to want announcing. 
And the ice-cold King
will leave the mountains to retreat northward. 
He could be able to give still one or two tail shots,
but Spring Spirit follow him closely and urges him
out from lands which will not belong to him till the next year.

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